摩天式 山立式站好。呼气,双手经由体侧在头顶交叉,翻转。同时慢慢抬起脚跟。感觉,我们的双手正托住天空,双脚深深的插入大地。我们的身体变得很高很高,高得像一座摩天大楼一样屹立在天地之间。这个体姿势是桑卡排毒中的一个姿势。它能够帮助我们促进蠕动,排除体内毒素。。。。。好,吸气还原,呼气放松。再做一遍。
Ferris-style Hill Station Vertical good. Breath, hands by side in the cross-head, flip. At the same time, slowly raised his heel. Feel that our hands are holding the sky, the earth insert feet deep. Our bodies become very high, as high as a skyscraper stands between heaven and earth. This body posture are Paidu Sanca a posture. It can help us to promote intestinal peristalsis, remove toxins. . . . . Good, inspiratory restore breath to relax. Do it again