"The doe was dead. As I pull away, from my rearview mirror I saw the buck emerge from the bushes, walk over to the doe, sniff around her face and nudge her as if he expected her to get up and go into the woods with him. Every few seconds he'd look up, as
"雌鹿死了.当我离开的时候,从我的后视镜中我看到雄鹿从灌木丛中出现,走到雌鹿跟前,闻她的脸并轻推她,好象他希望她能站起来,和他一起走进树林. 每隔几秒钟,他都会抬眼看看四周,好象对危险很警觉,然后又把注意力转回到雌鹿. 我决定靠近些,观察几分钟.每隔大约半分钟,雄鹿都会退回到附近的树丛里,然后再次出现试图将雌鹿哄醒,然后站起来."