十万火急,请高人帮帮小妹吧???? 请把以下中文译成英文.(深圳泰威会展服务有限公司,厦门泰威会展服务有限公司,美国会展国际商务有限公司驻厦门代表处拥有一支高学历,懂外语,富有积极进取精神和外展经验的员工队伍.公司与代表处设立以来,先后组织800多家企业参展.
Shenzhen Tai Wei Exhibion Services Company Limited, Xiamen Tai Wei Exhibition Services Company Limited and Xiamen Representative Office of International Exhibitional and Business Company Limited have a team of highly qualified staff who are proficient in foreign languages, aggressive in promoting clients' interests and experienced in serving foreign markets. Since incorporation of the two companies and setting up of the representative office, more than 800 enterprises have used our services in promoting their businesses in different international trade shows overseas.