if one day you feel li crying can me I don't promise that i will make you laugh but i can cry with you if one day you want to run away don't be afraid to call me o don't promise to ask you to stop but i can run with you if ane day you don't want
兄弟,好像有的字错了。 如果有一天你想要哭泣,电话通知我,我不能保证我能让你开怀大笑,但我会陪着你哭; 如果有一天你要远行,别担心,打电话给我,我不能保证我会要求你留下,但我会陪着你去天涯海角; 如果有一天你不想听别人的唠叨,打电话给我,我保证到那儿陪伴在你的身边,保证很安静的守候你; 但是如果有一天你打电话给我……嗯,那只有一个答案……快来见我……可能我是真的需要你……