这些都是条款的标题,我都搞不太清楚,谁能帮帮我啊,谢谢啦 3.0 ERTION MARKS 14.0 Supplier’s/Seller’s drawings and data requirements 16.0 Progress Chart and expenditure; 23.0 Free Issue of Material; 24.0 Supervision of Erection/Commissioning; 26.0 Influencing the Procure
ERECTION MARKS:装配证号 Supplier’s/Seller’s drawings and data requirements:供货商/卖方提款及日期要求 Progress Chart and expenditure:进度表和支出 Free Issue of Material:免费提供资料 Supervision of Erection/Commissioning:安装/调试管理 Influencing the Procurement:物资采购 Indemnity:赔偿 Infringement of patents, etc:专利侵犯等