直觉思维及其培养模式 摘要:数学直觉思维是人脑对数学对象及其结构的一种迅速的识别。它有着不同于一般思维的特点,如思维形式的非逻辑性,思维产生的快速性,思维过程的跳跃性等。培养数学直觉思维不仅可以激发学生学习数学的兴趣,促进其它思维的发展,也有助于学生数学直觉能力的提高。 关键词:直觉思维 培养模式
Mathematics Intuitive Thinking and its Training Mode intuitive thinking is the rapid cognition to mathematics object and its structure.It differs from common thinking in the following aspects,namely,the non-logicality of its form,the high speed of its generation,and the incontinuity of its c.Cultivating the ability of mathematics intuitive thinking can arouse the students'interest in maths,enhance the development of other thinking methods,and improve the mathematics intuition of students. Key Thinking, Training Mode