下面几个句子怎么翻译呢? Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you. You mean the world to someone. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it. When you think the World has turned it's back on you…… take another look. Always remember…when lif
Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you. You mean the world to someone. 有人每个夜晚都在思念你,因为你对他(她)至关重要。 When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it. 当你犯了有生以来最大的错误,你会由此受益。 When you think the World has turned it's back on you…… take another look. 当你认为被所有人抛弃时,再想一想。 Always remember…when life hands you a lemon – always ask for sugar! 永远记住,当你的遇到困难时,积极地面对! I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a Friend while I am here – than a whole truckload when I am gone. 我宁愿在活着时享受朋友给我的一支玫瑰和一句美言,而不要过世后的无数玫瑰和美言。 Success keeps you glowing, But, only Friends keep you going. 成功使你星光闪烁,但只有朋友助你不断前行。