I told him I wasn't mad at him any more. 这里的be mad at 是什么意思
I told him I wasn't mad at him any more. 这里的be mad at 是"对...生气"的意思. 请注意,如果mad表示狂热或者迷恋的话, 它所搭配的介词是about/on/for/with, 而不含at. 因此,这句话意思是:我告诉他我不再生他气了. 附上mad的解释: mad a. 1. 发疯的,发狂的 She went mad after the death of her son. 儿子死后她就疯了。 2. 疯狂的,狂热的[(+with)] 3. 愚蠢的;鲁莽的 It was a mad idea to climb the mountain in this bad weather. 在这种坏天气去爬山真是愚蠢。 4. 【口】狂热的,着迷的[F,(+about/on/for)] Both brothers are mad about tennis. 兄弟俩对都很入迷。 5. 【口】恼火的[F,(+at/with)] Don't be mad at me. 不要对我大发脾气。 vt. 1. 【罕】使发狂;激怒 vi. 1. 【罕】发狂;发怒 n. 1. 狂怒[U]