do you plan to qu your present job?
I hate/disli it very much. I am sick of it. I don't want to do it any more. I've gotten another better job. It's really a low pay. It's a very boring job. I have no hope to get promoted. I have some health reasons. I want to change to another job. I want to rearrange my career development. I have to quit because I need to continue my further studying. I moved to a new place. My present company will close pretty soon. I think that my boss has been look down on me for a long time. I got a new born baby and I have to look after him/her. I don't have to work because I have enough money. I plan to immigrate to another country. The working environment is rather bad. I cannot relate well with other colleagues. I decide to start my own business. ... .... 欢迎来信来电索求! (joking)