W:I don't agree wh Mr.Johnon on his views about social welfare.He seems to suggest that the poor are robbing the rich. M:He might have used better words to express his ideas,but I find what he said makes a lot of sense.
A: John先生对于社会福利这一问题的观点,我不是十分同意,他的意思好像是在说穷人正在剥削富人。 B:他在表述自己观点的时候应该注意措词,但不管怎么样,他的话还是很在理儿的。 make sense: “有道理,讲得通”的意思 这里的a lot of 是用来修饰sense的,表示程度极高,所以我翻译成了“很在理” 实际运用中make sense和make a lot of sense 意思上是一样的,但语气上稍有不同。