有这样两个句子: You should give all this old clothing away. He soon chang into the dead man's clthes. clothing 和clothes 看来都是衣服的意思,有什么区别呢
1、clothes:最普通的常用词,指“各种各样的衣服,不仅指穿衣者或个的衣服,也指制作者或销售者的衣服”,是复数名词,无单数形式,后面接复数动词形式。不可与数词连用。 例:warm, fashionable, expensive, etc clothes 温暖的﹑时髦的﹑昂贵的衣物 |put on/take off one's clothes 穿上[脱下]衣物。|Her clothes are always immaculate. 她的衣服部是干干净净的。 另外它还作“被褥,寝具”解,也是复数名词。 习惯用语 buy clothes off the peg 买现成衣服 fatigue clothes 工作服,工装 gladclothes [口]最好的衣服,时髦的衣服 jump into one's clothes 赶快穿上衣服, 急匆匆地穿上衣服 in one's birthday clothes 赤身露体; 一丝不挂 in one's birthday suit 赤身露体; 一丝不挂 long clothes 襁褓, 婴孩衣服 monkey clothes [美俚](晚)礼服, 舞礼服 plain clothes 便衣, 便服; 秘密警察(便衣) Sunday clothes [口]节日盛装, 最好的衣服 2、clothing:常为正式用语,泛指或特指某类衣服,是不可数名词。 例:waterproof clothing 防水服; 雨衣。|an item/a piece/an article of clothing 一件衣服。|Food, clothing and shelter are needful for the maintenance of health. 衣、食、住是维持健康所必需的。|This clothing sells well to the teenage market. 这种衣服在青少年中间很畅销. 习惯用语 a wolf in `sheep's clothing 披着羊皮的狼.