She cood the meat for a long time so as to make it ___enough to eat. 选哪个?mild? tender? 我是查过字典的 to food that are not sharp or strong tasting . tough or hard;easily damaged , delicate. 因此我觉得前者比较合适,可是它的答案选tender。 有谁能给我讲解一下。
用tender tender:(指肉)嫩的容易嚼烂或切断的,这里指肉炖得比较烂 mild:温和的, 温柔的, 淡味的, 轻微的, 适度的, 不含有害物质的; to food that are not sharp or strong tasting .(主要指味道) 不烈的;不苦的;淡味的