1. 今天,笔者也在这里发表一些看法,希望能够抛砖引玉,得到大家高见。 2. 因此想急于也要冷静认识自己的具体情况后再决定用哪种方式。 3. 因此,要明白一个道理,适合别人的方法不一定适合自己。
1. Today, I (或the writer) would like to take this opportunity to offer my two cents of an opinion in the hope of learning some valuable ideas from you. 2. Therefore, even if you are eager to lose weight, you should take the time to learn more about your own circumstances, then to decide which approaches work for you. 3. Therefore, please bear in mind one thing, a plan that works for someone else may not work for you.