将意思翻译成英文: 1,昨晚我很累,刚一上床就睡着了 2,老师亲切地拍拍汤姆的头说:"别泄气". 3,过了很长时间他的感冒才好 4,没人知道这座大剧院何时向公众开放 5,这本书分成五部分,第一部分中有大量图片
给你布置的作业不能拿到网上来让大家做呢. 看了几位的答案,觉得不太好,我还是帮你一下: 1,昨晚我很累,刚一上床就睡着了 I was very tired last night and fell asleep as soon as/no sooner than/the moment i touched the bed. 2,老师亲切地拍拍汤姆的头说:"别泄气". The teacher patted Tom on the head, encouraging him,"Come on!" 3,过了很长时间他的感冒才好 He did not recover from the cold until very long. 4,没人知道这座大剧院何时向公众开放 Nobody knows when the theatre would be open to the public. 5,这本书分成五部分,第一部分中有大量图片 The book consists of five parts and there are a lot of pictures in the first part. 仅供参考.