关于中国英译的一些问题 原诗: 青山横北郭 白水绕东城 (选自李白《送友人》) 英译(两种): Where blue hills cross the northern sky, Beyond the moat which girds the town, ( by Giles ) With a blue line of mountains north of the wall, And east of the city a white c
原诗: 青山横北郭 白水绕东城 (选自李白《送友人》) 英译(两种): Where blue hills cross the northern sky, Beyond the moat which girds the town, ( by Giles ) With a blue line of mountains north of the wall, And east of the city a white curve of water, ( by Bynner ) 鄙人观点:在中诗英译界中早有诗可译论与不可译论。Robert Frost 认为,“Poetry is what is lost in translation.”.而郭沫若和许渊冲则认为可以通过创作来弥补所谓“what is lost in translation”.鄙人也赞成第二个观点,因为“从心所欲,不逾矩,是一切的成熟境界。”(朱光潜的《诗论》)。 英诗有英诗的美,汉诗有汉诗的美。英语是以形驭意,汉语是以意驭形。二者语言本身有自身的特点,不赞成把with和where去掉。 当然在译的过程中,肯定会达不到原诗的美,但这样并不代表不能翻译。可以通过一些补救措施。详细请看许渊冲先生的相关译诗理论。 至于上面两个译本,鄙人觉得已经翻译的相当不错了。 鄙人译文:Blue hills beyond roll o'er the norther sky; The moat around girds the east town nearby.