1.深圳是一座年轻的移民城市,只有26岁,有很多来自五湖四海的年轻人,它活力四射,又处处充满包容.气候不错.虽然夏天时间有点长也有点热,但处处绿树成荫,有长长的海岸线,可以到海边避暑。 2.我的家乡是离上海约两百公里的另一个城市.它物产丰富,风景怡人,人杰地灵. 3.我共取得三张毕业证书分别是: 从学校毕业后我共在三家公司服务过,分别是: 4.业余时间我喜欢看书,一些人物传记,游记,和介绍中国传统文化的书我很尤其喜欢. 5.我也看电影,一些喜剧片和历史剧是我的喜爱. 6.我爱世界杯,德国队的团队
1. 深圳是一座年轻的移民城市,只有26岁,有很多来自五湖四海的年轻人,它活力四射,又处处充满包容.气候不错.虽然夏天时间有点长也有点热,但处处绿树成荫,有长长的海岸线,可以到海边避暑。 Shenzhen, a young migrant city for just 26 years, has a young population coming from all parts of the country. The city is full of vitality, open and comprehensive. It has pretty good climate too. Although the summer is a bit long and hot, but trees and shades are everywhere. It has a long coastline as well; swimming at the beach is a great way to beat the summer heat. 2. 我的家乡是离上海约两百公里的另一个城市.它物产丰富,风景怡人,人杰地灵. My hometown city is located at about 200 kilometers from Shanghai. It yields abundant produces, has beautiful scenery and is a remarkable place with talented people. 3. 我共取得三张毕业证书分别是: 从学校毕业后我共在三家公司服务过,分别是: I have been awarded the following three certificates evidencing academic completion: I have worked for the following three companies since graduation: 4. 业余时间我喜欢看书,一些人物传记,游记,和介绍中国传统文化的书我很尤其喜欢. I like leisure reading. I am interested in biographies and memoirs, travel journals and particularly in books about the Chinese heritage. 5. 我也看电影,一些喜剧片和历史剧是我的喜爱. I like movies too; comedies and historical drama are my favorites. 6. 我爱世界杯,德国队的团队协作精神很好,队员很年轻很伟大,我想他们一定会笑到最后,取得最后的胜利的. I am a big fan of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. The German team has very good team spirit. The team members are pretty young. I think this is the team who laughs last and seals the final victory.