After signing the ontract the Buyer’s bank will issue a Irrevocable Documentary Letter of Credit (DL/C) to the Seller’s bank to cover the full value of the shipment.
大意: 买房银行签订协议后,将出具DL/C给卖方银行,用以足额支付船运费用。 cover 动词含义:(of money) be enough for (sth) (指钱)够(某事物)之用。翻译时刻灵活翻译为“支付”: 10 will cover our petrol for the journey. 10英镑就足够支付我们旅行的汽油费. * The firm barely covers (its) costs; it hasn't made a profit for years. 该公司几乎入不敷出, 已经多年没有盈利了