《复活》写的男主人公聂赫留朵夫和女主人公马丝洛娃精神上的复活,主要是聂赫留朵夫精神的复活。聂赫留朵夫大学时期是一个纯洁、热情、朝气勃勃、有美好追求的青年,进入军队和上流社会后,过上花天酒地、醉生梦死的。兽性的人通知了他,精神的人被压制了,沉睡了。他第二次见到马丝洛娃,以及后来的七八年,便是兽性的人统治着他的时期。正是在这一时期他诱奸了马丝洛娃,并将她抛弃,而是她沦落到后来的悲惨地步。直到在法庭上巧遇马丝洛娃,回想当年,抚今追昔,良心发现,精神的人苏醒了,渐渐战胜兽性的人,精神的人终于复活了。 只要意思
The Resurrectn gives an account of the spiritual resurrection of the hero Nekhlyudov and the heroine Maslova, particularly of that of the former. During his college days, Nekhlyudov was a pure, warm-hearted and vibrant youngster who cherished aspirations. However, after joining the army and stepping into the upper-class society, he led a debauched and befuddled life; the beast in him dominated him and the spiritual being was suppressed and fell into a deep slumber. The second time he saw Maslova and the following seven or eight years were just a period when the beast in him dominated him. And it was in this period that he seduced Maslova and abandoned her, which resulted in her subsequent misery. Years later, he met with her by chance in the court and when he recalled the past and the sin he had committed before, his conscience and the spiritual being were awakened, gradually triumphing over the beast in him. At last, he acquired the spiritual resurrection.