到豪华院呢?还是到一般的电影院去? 好久没去豪华电影院了。我们去豪华电影院吧! 喔!大光明电影院在上演周润发的《上海滩》。我们去看这个吧。 -孙平和张小铃去豪华电影院开始看电影。孙平用手搂着张小铃的肩,他的手开始到处摸。 哎哟!住手,孙平!我是来看电影的。 (该死!)对不起,有点过头了。 哎,你去买点爆玉米花好吗? 好的。你等一会儿。 -孙平买了两个爆玉米花回来了。 谢谢。我没有爆玉米花就没法看电影。 -电影结束了。 孙平这部电影很有意思。 英语怎么说?
Shall we go to a luxury cinema or just an ordinary one? We have not gone to a luxury cinema for a long time. Let's go to the luxury cinema. Oh! The Grand inema is showing Chow Yun Fat's "The Bund". Let's watch this one. - Sun Ping and Zhang Ling went to the luxury cinema for a movie. Sun Ping's hand was resting on Zhang Ling's shoulder and his hand began to trail down her body. Hey! Behave yourself, Sun Ping! We're here for a movie. (My bad!) I'm sorry. I've gone too far. Hey, would you mind getting some popcorn? All right. I'll be back soon. - Sun Ping brought back two cups of popcorn. Thank you. I can't watch a movie without popcorns. - The movie ended. Sun Ping, I find the movie very interesting.