I think we’d best stay the night here. 这是什么句式?
v.(动词) stayed, g, stays r.(不及物动词) To continue to be in a place or condition: 保持:继续在一个地方或一种情况下: stay home; stay calm. 呆在家里;保持冷静 To remain or sojourn as a guest or lodger: 居留:作为客人或房客留下或暂居: stayed at a motel. 住在旅馆里 To stop moving; halt. 停止:停止运动;停下 To wait; pause. 等候;暂停...... I think后宾语从句,stay及物动词stay [stei] vi. (stayed, [古美] staid [sted]) 停留, 保持下去 逗留; 暂住, 呆 坚持; 持久 并驾齐驱(with) stay single 保持单身, 不结婚 stay at home 呆在家里 stay away [out] 不在家 stay overnight 住一夜 stay with one's rival 与对手并驾齐驱 The weather stays fine. 天气继续放晴。 Why did you stay away from school? 你为什么不上学? The horse lacks staying power. 这马缺乏耐力。