今天在游牧那里yuqing3700介绍了一个山寨版白娘子传奇。不说别的,我觉得片头歌词弄的还是可以的。不过当然还可以弄得更好,所以请大家动动脑筋,拿出你们的版本。不但要达,还要雅,能跟上旋律唱出来。 以下是视屏网址 v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTQ0NTU3MzI=.html 以下是中文歌词 千年等一回 等一回 啊!   千年等一回 我无悔 啊!   是谁在耳边   说爱我永不变   只为这一句   啊哈! 断肠也无怨   雨心碎 风流泪 噫……   梦缠绵
做唱词是不可能了,也不怎么雅,重在参与呵呵 千年等一回 等一回 啊! I've waed a thousand years for one romance, oh the one romance!   千年等一回 我无悔 啊! I've no regrets for the millennium of waiting, oh no regrets!   是谁在耳边说 In my ear you whispered   爱我永不变 That you would love me forever.   只为这一句 Just for this promise,   啊哈! 断肠也无怨 Should my heart break into pieces I would still be complaintless.   雨心碎 风流泪 噫…… The wind is now crying and the rain is heartbroken,   梦缠绵 情悠远 噫…… But enthralling were the dreams and long will be my devotion.   西湖的水 我的泪 Even if my tears fill up the West Lake,   我情愿和你化作一团火焰 Still I'm willing to set myself ablaze, Oh, to burn with you in flames...